KonMari Coaching

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose . . .”
- Mary Pickford
Numerous visits to Japan have deepened my appreciation of the Japanese perspective on simplicity, authenticity, and beauty. This admiration continues through my role at Lean Sensei International, a company that specializes in Lean Thinking coaching. Lean thinking is a methodology based upon values embraced in Japanese culture and in the Toyota way.
With Marie Kondo - Tokyo 2024 Consultants’ Retreat
When I first discovered Japanese tidying specialist, Marie Kondo’s book, the Life-changing magic of Tidying up, the principles of the KonMari Method, and her story struck a chord with me. I completed my tidying festival and trained to become a certified KonMari Consultant. I’ve guided clients in various stages of life to declutter and organize their homes. In 2020 an 2022 I had the honor of being a panelist to support KonMari Media Inc. in their training program for new consultants.
I’m enthusiastic about working alongside clients to guide them to organize thier homes in a way that supports their ideal lifestyle. When you organize your home by deciding on the things that make you feel alive, you create a home that celebrates you.
“The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”
Benefits of learning and practicing the KonMari Method
Clearing clutter is accompanied by an attitude shift, a sense of gratitude and peace of mind. In the process of strengthening your “joy muscle” you learn to relinquish things that evoke bad memories, damaging thoughts, or a less than ideal lifestyle. You begin to see the ripple effects of leading with joy, in other areas of your life. You’re more motivated to set and achieve your goals and pursue projects that bring you joy.
Clutter drains our cognitive resources and ability to effectively focus. Our brains crave order. A Princeton University study shows that when people live and work in a cluttered environment, their ability to focus is restricted. The visual distraction of clutter also limits the brain’s ability to effectively process information, increasing cognitive overload.
How many times have you searched for a misplaced item and felt the frustration? When you tidy and designate a home for each item in your home, you no longer waste time searching for misplaced items.
You develop a transformed mindset and become a more conscious and wise buyer. You’re far more mindful about the items you bring home. You make fewer purchases that you later end up regretting, and you no longer mistakenly buy things you thought you didn’t have.
We crave order, but clutter easily accumulates. It impacts our physical and emotional well-being. With less clutter and a home that is organized, you’re happier. The KonMari Method also places importance on gratitude. Studies show that cultivating gratitude is consistently linked to greater happiness, lower stress levels, and a stronger immune system.
The time is right for a KonMari Tidying Festival
Two years of living through a collective time of uncertainty and a pandemic has ushered in a worldwide reset. We expect more of our homes. Work from home is here to stay, and our space needs to support and collaborate with us, to be a space that can fulfil our needs. We want to live well and live our best life now. The KonMari Method provides you with an opportunity to reflect and make choices about.
What’s important to me?
What brings me joy?
Who brings me joy?
How can I spend time doing more of what I love?
You’re spending more time at home. Make it your space of joy of inspiration and beauty. Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation on the KonMari Method.
KonMari and Your Office - joyful space for the work that really matters
It is not only our homes that can be a magnet for clutter and mess. We can face the same disorganization amongst our books, papers, electronics, email, and even in the storage units and furniture we keep in our offices and places of work. The same proven principles that ensure the success of tidying and realizing your vision, in the KonMari Method, apply to tidying an office or even an entire workplace.
From small to large tidying projects, the KonMari Method works along with applying principles of 5S in Lean Thinking (a methodology to organize businesses). You can be on your way to a more joyful and productive workspace.
For more information on tidying offices and businesses and customizing sessions to suite your goals and vision, contact me.
“When you surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a home and a life you will love.”