KonMari Method
Tokyo - Marie Kondo signing her latest book "Marie Kondo’s Kurashi at Home - how to organize your space and achieve your ideal life”.
Marie Kondo is a tidying expert and founder of KonMari Media Inc. Her book The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up has sold over 13 million copies. You may recognize her as the star in the Netflix Show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.
Fascinated with tidying up since her childhood years in Japan, she spent years researching and trying out many organizing methods. She began her tidying business at the age of 19, and developed an innovative and simple approach to tidying – the KonMari Method. The method’s key principles focus on being mindful, taking care of your items and practicing gratitude. It has one key criterion for deciding which items to keep: “if an item brings you joy, keep it!” In 2015 Marie Kondo was listed as one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people.
There are six steps in the KonMari Method.
Commit to tidying up.
Imagine your best or ideal lifestyle
Finish discarding first.
Tidy by category, not location.
Follow the category order to tidy.
Ask yourself if it sparks joy.
“Tidying dramatically changes one’s life. This is true for everyone, 100 percent.”